Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

Some Babies Survive

Some babies survive the abortion process. Despite the best efforts to declare these struggling young humans as “non-viable,” some of them survive the abortion process and are born damaged and crying.

A [United Kingdom] GOVERNMENT agency is launching an inquiry into doctors’ reports that up to 50 babies a year are born alive after botched National Health Service abortions.

A systematic investigation of data collected through the CEMACH indicated that there are at least 50 cases a year nationwide in which babies survive abortion attempts.

“First sight of our data suggests this is happening,” said Shona Golightly, the agency’s research director. She said official confirmation of the figures would be available next year.

It is not known how many babies who survive attempted abortions go on to live into adulthood.

Think of the children. That’s what liberals say when they propose increased government spending. Why don’t they say it in the case of abortion?

Update: More at The Insomniac, including portion of an interview with a survivor.

5 responses to “Some Babies Survive”

  1. I’m not clear on why the Brits are so upset. If the woman is entitled to an abortion, she’s entitled to a dead baby. What difference does it make if they kill it in-utero or wait until it comes out and stomp its skull? If she’s not entitled to a dead baby, then why make abortion a “right”?

    Any fetus that isn’t interfered with could live to be born alive. What’s the difference if it could be born alive at the point where the mother chooses to kill it? Whether you abort it at 6 weeks, or 12, or 18, or 24, or 30, you’re killing something that would survive otherwise.

    If the point of abortion is that the woman is entitled to simply not be pregnant any more, then the live babies could be taken to the NICU and adopted out, right? Then later “terminations” would be better, right? Because they’d do less damage to the baby.


  2. I’m with Chistina, from conception on.
    I get so tired of hearing that evil is good and good is evil, but we were told to expect no less.

    For physicians,
    – First do no harm.


  3. Christina, that’s powerful. I hadn’t thought of it as “the right to a dead baby,” but in effect, that’s what it is.


  4. I dont agree with Christina. A child is a living person even at concection. The fact that a women is “upset” because her child lived and she wanted it dead is just ignorant. If a child has a chance at a happy life why try and spoil it with “a knife incision”. I think the women should just give up and let it go because now she ahs a child to take care of.


  5. Quanasia, I think you’re actually agreeing with Christina; sarcasm is sometimes difficult to detect.


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Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

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