Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

One Year Blogiversary to "Chasing the Wind"

One year today, I started blogging. And I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to say or who I wanted to say it to. Today, as a mature blogger, fully one year old, I can fully say with confidence that I still don’t have any idea.

Not that it matters – I’ve discovered I just enjoy writing. A creative outlet, an outreach and faith outlet, a ranting outlet, a bizarre fling-a-cat sort of outlet. And after 764 posts and 54,000 visitors since April 27, 2004 making 2,825 comments, I’m still writing posts on everything that crosses my brain.

Thanks to all of y’all that keep stopping by and leaving comments and encouraging me. It’s your comments that make this fun. 🙂

12 responses to “One Year Blogiversary to "Chasing the Wind"”

  1. You must be doing something right with all those visitors. Well done.

    Congratulations on year one. I look forward to year two and all the subsequent aniversaries.


  2. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Chasing the Happy birthday to you!

    Make a wish!


  3. I pray God’s Holy Spirit will continue to use you and your web site to open the hearts and minds of those needing HIM. Every seed is an important one, I can attest to that!


  4. Wow! Hard to believe that was just a year ago. You went from “bloguer” to full fledged blogger very quickly. Took you no time at all to find your voice and with it your audience. Thanks for sharing all the fun and faith.

    Here’s to many, many more years of Chasing!


  5. Congrats on your first year. A lot of websites don’t last this long.


  6. You’re the first blog I read every day.

    Of course it helps that your also my home page….


    I hope you grow to be a Happy Hippo in the blogosphere,
    or is that a Musty Marmoset?
    Rusty Rhino?
    Omniverous Owl
    Perspicacious Poltroon
    Lascivious Loon?

    Oh, I could go on all night.

    Whatever. I like to watch your enjoyment.


  7. Thanks Rodney! If nothing else, I’m making a lot of Dale Earnhardt fans happy.. 😛

    Thanks, Courtney! I wish somedays my blog would write itself! 😛

    Diane, my sweetheart, I thank you for the prayers. You are my living testimony to God’s power. 🙂

    Thanks, Miss Vox! I had no idea who I was writing to back then. Turned out I was writing… to everybody!

    And Sean, I thank you for making me your home page. I hope I live up to those high expectations, as a Hunky Dorey Heffalump. 🙂


  8. 😀 I think thy website is the coolest! 😛


  9. Sorry, I’m a little late on the Congrats.It’s what the Big RED button will do to ya. 😉 😉


  10. So kind of you, Miss M3. I value your compliments highly. 🙂


  11. Jennifer Drummond Avatar
    Jennifer Drummond

    was that really dale jr when you guys were talking about kortnie when he said leave shelby alone!



  12. Jennifer’s taken a wrong turn somewhere. 😛


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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