Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.



Apparently the Jews are not as crafty as they would have us believe. They can’t even shoot down a simple rocket.

Wait, a minute… my tin foil hat is slipping. Maybe,…..Maybe THATS EXACTLY what Israel wants us to believe. Those Jews are crafty indeed.

CNN now accuses Israel of deliberately allowing their own people to be attacked to allow a moral equivalance for their actions in Lebanon.

Talking Heads.

This is deadly serious.
Consider if Israel’s enemies had the capabilities of Israel. Would they show the restraint that Israel has against Hizbollah, expending troops to prevent civilian deaths? Or, would we see wholesale carpet bombing and nuclear strikes in Tel-Aviv?

Hizbollah has been able to arm and rebuild in the six years that have past since Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon. UN collaborators peace keepers stood by and watched. (Trust me, you don’t install concrete without a lot of local help knowing about it, and you have to get rid of the dirt dug from those tunnels.) Now think about global terrorism’s progress five years in the future. Backed by a nuclear Iran, Syria and our enemies across the globe.

Now is the time for this to end. Even if it means regional war.

Turn off the TV and pray.

Me, I’m pulling for the IDF.

Are you?

2 responses to “Insanity”

  1. Praise God for the Israeli Defense Force. Here are some interesting tidbits about our history. Israel is a nation with a promise from God, that God will fulfill. We as a nation need to support Israel.

    1. The Garden of Eden was (is) in Iraq.

    2. Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq, is the cradle of civilization,
    and often referred to as “The Fertile Crescent.”

    3. Noah built the Ark in Iraq.

    4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq.

    5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq.

    6. Isaac’s wife Rebekah is from Nahor, and is in Iraq.

    7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq.

    8. Jonah preached in Nineveh, which is in Iraq.

    9. Assyria, which is in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel.

    10. Amos cried out in Iraq.

    11. Babylon, which is in Iraq, destroyed Jerusalem.

    12. Daniel was in the lion’s den in Iraq.

    13. The three Hebrew children who were in the fire in Iraq were Shadrak, Meshak, and Abednigo (Christian thought leads some to believe Christ is the
    “fourth” person in the fire – the “Angel”).

    14. The King of Babylon, Belshazzar, saw the “writing on the wall” in Iraq
    (mene mene tekel upharsin).

    15. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq.

    16. Ezekiel preached in Iraq.

    17. The wise men came from the region of Iraq.

    18. Peter preached in Iraq.

    19. The “Empire of Man” described in Revelation is called Babylon, which
    was a great and grand city of Iraq.


  2. I still haven’t figured out why the world thinks Israel is overreacting. Hizbollah is demanding all Israelis leave Lebanon. Come to think of it, Israel is demanding the same, starting with the two soldiers that Hizbollah captured that started this whole thing.


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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