Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

Dream Interpretation

In my dream, I’m waiting in front of the (church?) junior high school, at the sidewalk under the rain protection. I’m waiting for the Sweet Wife to pick me up, except she’s not in a car. She’s in an F-14 Tomcat.

F-14 Tomcat

She calls me on the cell phone and tells me she’s low on fuel and asks me to bring some with me. The jet doesn’t run on any normal jet fuel, though. It runs on 8.5″x11″ white paper. It must by high quality white paper because, after all, this is a jet.

I’m holding a box full of a ream paper, and I open it. The top 2/3rds is high quality white typing paper, just what the jet needs. The bottom 1/3 is old newspaper, ratty and covered with ink. This isn’t going to work.

The jet pulls up to the school. And I wake up.

My dreams are cool because it makes Sean’s brain hurt. Feel free to interpret this dream for me.

I was reading about a dream at “Sand in the Gears” that I found amusing. It involves guns, trains, and a canival. If you’re not dreaming in full Technicolor, you’re missing out on the free movies God provides each night. 🙂

6 responses to “Dream Interpretation”

  1. I’m going to assume that since you work with the Church a lot, that this is a religious dream. So how’s this for an attempt at interpretation?

    The church/high school you’re waiting in front of represents the fact you’re still learning what God is teaching.

    Your wife represents God’s will. After all, you’re supposed to surrender yourself to God, and your spouse is a great Earthly representation of that, seeing how the marraige is sanctified by him.

    The F-14 Tomcat that she’s flying, considering the pilot is a preresentation of God’s Will, is a reference to God’s power. After all, do you think you, by yourself, are a match for a F-14 Tomcat?

    The paper it runs on is pure white. Obviously, God want’s you and what you bring before him to be sin free, and I’m assuming that you found the paper from the church/high school you were waiting in front of.

    You brought the best paper you could, but not all of it was white. You brought some sin with you before God. However, you also knew that you couldn’t give that paper to God. “This isn’t going to work.”

    Unfortunately, you woke up right as the jet arrives, so whether you apologized for bringing ratty paper and whether you received forgivness for it is unknown. Then again, maybe you woke up when you did because God works in mysterious ways? Or maybe you woke up for some reason in the real world, and not connected to the dream in any way?


  2. Oh, and the cell phone is reprents prayer and the ability to talk to God. It’s the prayer line.


  3. Groan….

    Take the paper, make cool paper airplanes and thow them at your wife.


  4. AMM, very, very good psychobabble. I don’t think even my subconscious brain is that complex. 🙂

    Sean’s answer is a solution to a question I didn’t ask. 🙂


  5. Gosh, I just thought it meant you were weird. 🙂


  6. Did you dream that, Jo? While I don’t admit to being weird, I also don’t claim “unusual” doesn’t apply to me.


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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