Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

Name One Thing the Government Does Well

Name one thing the US Government does exceptionally well.

Pass legislation? Pork barrel politics, anyone?

Hurricane Katrina recovery?

Issue passports in time for your vacation?

Assess property values?

Public schooling?

Social Security?


Oversee accounting irregularities like Enron?

Prosecute O.J Simpson and keep him in jail?

Border security?

Then why oh why would anybody possibly think the latest revision of HillaryCare, US health industry regulated by the US Government, could possibility be an improvement over our current situation? And speaking of border security, why doesn’t HillaryCare address how illegal aliens are to receive their free mandated emergency room care?
This is like asking the US government to be your dentist.

8 responses to “Name One Thing the Government Does Well”

  1. How about government housing? Oh wait. That won’t do. I must say that government cheese is the best, though. Grilled cheese sandwiches are never better than the ones you get at public school.

    Also, you can’t see all of the screen behind Ms. Clinton. The word “On” appears directly following the word “Dream.” Just in case anyone was wondering…


  2. Government does certain things really well. Government excels at creating institutions/monopolies and destroying family/community/individuals.


  3. We have an ad at our site that I think you might appreciate…


  4. Are you awake? How do I put a YouTube video on a blogpost? As you can see on my current post, which just begs for me to link to Rich Mullins’ Creed song, I blotched it up and it just shows some code.


  5. Got it! I must be really slow. It was incredibly easy, and I grabbed the URL instead of the embed thing-y. I had even gone to a “help” site that gave me instructions. my, my.


  6. I’d like to say, “I’m glad I could help,” but…

    Oh what the heck, I’ll say it anyway. I’m glad I could help. Heh.


  7. Exurban Jon, that’s really, really disturbing. 😛


  8. Note the “dream” in the picture above, more like a nightmare to me…


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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