Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

Christian Carnival 208

Welcome to the 208th edition of the Christian Carnival, a weekly amalgomation of this week’s best Christian writing. Chasing the Wind is humbled to host such a fine collection of postings this week; I suggest picking a few titles below and clicking them; you won’t find a finer collection of Christian thoughts anywhere on the web.

Steven Krager presents What Kanye teaches us about culture and values posted at faithdoubt, saying, “Can Kanye West teach us about culture and values?”

FMF presents Why I Post on The Bible and Money posted at Free Money Finance, saying, “Details why a money blog posts on the Bible.”

Rodney Olsen presents Sy Rogers talks sexuality and the church posted at The Journey – Life : Faith : Family.

Renae presents Strength in Weakness posted at Life Nurturing Education.

Tia presents Seeking Contentment in a Broken World: Exploring Traumatic Countertransference posted at On Journeying with Those in Exile, saying, “Dan asks some questions about what to do with the pain he feels for the Broken world and how it relates to imitatio Christi in having cruciform love.”

ChristianPF presents Financial lessons from Solomon posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, “The Bible says that Solomon was the richest man who ever lived and also the wisest ever to live. I think that makes him qualified to give some financial advice.”

Nadege presents More shall be given posted at Clearly Envision.

Martin LaBar presents Where is God when things hurt us badly? pt. 4 posted at Sun and Shield, saying, “Why is there suffering in the world?”

William Meisheid presents Choices, Then and Now posted at Beyond The Rim, saying, “Some thoughts about choices and how they affect our spiritual maturity, both in earlier times and now.”

Leslie Carbone presents Dirty Tricks in the Land of Sacred Honor posted at Leslie Carbone.

Chris Brooks presents Experience vs Evidence posted at Homeward Bound, saying, “When should we share our personal experiences in evangelism or apologetics as opposed to offering evidence?”

Diane R. presents We Are Too!….So There! posted at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet, saying, “Many younger Christian leaders today are criticising the evangelical church for it’s recent history of neglecting the poor. But what do you think we’ve been doing for the past 100 years?”

Shaun Connell presents Cosmological Argument posted at Rational Christianity, saying, “Explains why the natural requires a supernatural first cause.”

Dana presents Do we need a parental rights amendment? posted at Principled Discovery.

Annette presents Jim’s Sunday Sermon posted at Fish and Cans, saying, “That little word reliance ….. what does it mean to you?”

Thom presents Elder not Old posted at Everyday Liturgy, saying, “Thom writes about the differences of being an elder and being old.”

JR Madill presents Dreaming of a Brave New World posted at Theology for the Masses.

Doug Forrester presents The trinity is a paradox posted at Bounded Irrationality, saying, “I found an illustrative medieval shield that helps to explain the trinity.”

Tom Gilson presents Where Relativism Leads: Focusing the Question posted at Thinking Christian, saying, “Moral relativism’s moral absurdities”

Jennifer in OR presents Disturbing images to stop the whining? posted at Diary of 1.

Richard H. Anderson presents Rewriting Balaam posted at dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos.

Weekend Fisher presents The God Who Blesses posted at Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength.

Mark Olson presents Ecumenism, Creed, Conflict, and Dr King posted at Pseudo-Polymath, saying, “Small “c” catholic is a term we profess in the Creed, many of us every Sunday. What’s that have to do with Dr King’s message and ekklesia? Well, I think they are connected and offer a short essay on why.”

Jeremy Pierce presents Jesus’ Impeccability and Language Acquisition posted at Parableman, saying, “A reflection on how Jesus must have learned language and what it means for questions about whether Jesus made any mistakes.”

JR Madill presents Creating a Universe of Certainty, or, If You Remove Reason, You Remove Doubt (Part 2 of 2) posted at Theology for the Masses.

D.C. Cramer presents American Idolatry posted at Cramer Comments.

17 responses to “Christian Carnival 208”

  1. Two Hundred and Eighth Christian Carnival. Everyday Liturgy’s contribution was Thom’s Elder not Old. Top three entries of the week: Diane R. presents We Are Too!…So There! posted at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet, saying,


  2. Find the current Christian Carnival atChasing the Wind. Snippets from some posts I found to be encouraging and interesting: At Life Nurturing Education, on finding strength in weakness: Power in weakness. Perfect sufficiency. Strength in grace. It all seems so backwards, yet these seeds do nourish my


  3. Lots of Spirit building/improving posts today. One on marriage. On prayer. On improving everything. And fasting. Economics and the Laffer thing. Jihad comes to Atlanta. The Christian Carnival is up atChasing the Wind.


  4. Recent CommentsChasing the Wind » Christian Carnival 208on Strength in WeaknessMelinda on Dominion, Reason 2 of Why Study MathMiiko on Dominion, Reason 2 of Why Study MathJaJireh on Dominion, Reason 2 of Why Study MathJodi on Strength in Weakness


  5. Want this badge? The208th Christian Carnivalis up at Chasing the Wind.


  6. The 208th Christian Carnival is posted atChasing the Wind. I didn’t participate this week, either … sigh … but it looks like there’s some good stuff there. I haven’t checked it out much, yet, but I will. Enjoy.


  7. quite possibly never will again, but the show must go on: The Blawg ReviewThe Carnival of the CapitalistsThe Carnival of EducationThe Carnival of the InsanitiesThe Carnival of the RecipesThe Carnival of the VanitiesThe Christian CarnivalHavel HavelimThe Watcher’s Council


  8. This week’s Christian Carnival is up atchasing the wind.


  9. Carnival CCX ( Imago Dei ) January 2,2008 Christian Carnival CCV ( Ancient Hebrew Poetry ) January 9,2008 Christian Carnival CCVI ( Parableman ) January 16,2008 Christian Carnival CCVII ( Diary of 1 ) – Renaissance Edition January 23,2008Christian Carnival CCVIII( Chasing the Wind ) January 30,2008 Christian Carnival CCIX ( Everyday Liturgy – Thomas ) 2007 December 5, 2007 Christian Carnival CCI ( Thinking Christian ) December 12, 2007 Christian Carnival CCII (Lo-Fi Tribe) [No longer available] December 27, 2007 Christi


  10. Howdy, great site! I have a proposition to make. If you link to in your blogroll, I’ll add a link to your site in my blogroll. 🙂


  11. Thanks for hosting! There’s some good stuff here, I wish I had more time to read!!


  12. Thanks for hosting. Quite a variety of posts this week. I appreciate the diversity.


  13. Thanks for doing this!


  14. Shaun, thanks, I think I can help you out there. *poink* There, it’s added.

    Jennifer, that’s exactly how I feel some weeks. So many posts, I have to pick and choose which ones I read. I know I miss reading some good ones.

    Doug and Martin, it’s my pleasure and honor. I’m thrilled to host.


  15. […] week Chasing the Wind hosts the Two Hundred and Eighth Christian Carnival.  Everyday Liturgy’s contribution was Thom’s Elder not […]


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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