Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

Christian Carnival CCXXVIII

This week, Chasing the Wind is honored to host the 228th edition of the Christian Carnival, a collection of this week’s best Christian blogging. This week is Father’s Day – so let us remember this week that it is our Father in heaven that gives us Life in Him!

Would you like to participate in a future edition of the Christian Carnival, either as a host or as a writer? Jeremy has provided up to date instructions on how to do that at his website, Parableman.

First on our list is a promotion for a new Christian social network called His-Friends:

Christopher Johnson presents Smart Personal Finances » Blog Archive » His-Friends posted at Smart Personal Finances. I need your help to build a Christian community where everyone can come to make friends, keep in contact with friends and family, and give and receive support and encouragement.

What does the bible say about money? Quite a bit, actually:

FMF presents The Responsibility of Wealth posted at Free Money Finance. With wealth comes responsibility.

The bible also has quite a bit on the subject, of sex, too:

Cheapham presents Paul and Sex(uality) “According to Nature” posted at Theology for the Masses. The post deals with Roman sexuality and Paul in Romans 1. However, there is some good discussion brewing the comments on how to do biblical scholarship.

At the same website, a different author offers a prayer for the community:

JR Madill presents A Prayer I Prayed posted at Theology for the Masses. JR was asked to pray a prayer for “the least of these” Parkade Baptist Church “Battle for America” Concert of Prayer Monday night, June 2nd.

Diane looks at some positive benefits of legalism:

Diane R presents The Old Time Religion (Legalism)…Maybe Not So Bad After All? posted at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet. Maybe the old time fundamentalist legalists weren’t that stupid after all.

John asks what it’s like to be accepted by God:

This week at Light Along the Journey John looks at the great truth that Christians are Accepted by God.

Does observing the liturgical calendary help or hinder the Christian Church?

Mark Olson presents Toward or Away From The Secular posted at Pseudo-Polymath. Liturgical calendar, Nativity, Epiphany, Lent, Easter/Pascha, Pentecost, and so on. Many Protestant churches have abandoned the liturgical calendar. Why? In asking, I present argument why not.

A thoughtful post on the theology of St. Luke is here; I look forward to the next installment:

Richard H. Anderson presents Reading Conzelmann Again for the 1st Time posted at dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos.

What is the bright side of the high price of oil? Find out here:

Thom presents High Priced Oil, a Struggling Economy, and Spirituality Part 1 posted at Everyday Liturgy. Thom begins a discussion on the spiritual consequences of living in the present economy.

Where is God when you need Him most? God is here:

Wickle presents God Is Here posted at A True Believer’s Weblog. After a terrible week, Wickle and his family were reminded that “God is Here,” and he shares some of that in his post.

God is our Father, not just on Father’s Day, but everyday. Why not our Mother?

Jeremy Pierce presents John Oswalt on God and Motherhood posted at Parableman. John Oswalt gives an interesting explanation of why the Bible calls God a Father and not a Mother.

And finally, broaching the subject of Christian erotica. Can erotica and/or porn also be Christian?

In P$rn vs. Er*tica posted at The View From Her. Discussing a disturbing trend in writing “evangelical er*tica”.

7 responses to “Christian Carnival CCXXVIII”

  1. The 228th Christian Carnival has been posted atChasing the Wind. I’ve participated for two weeks in a row, which might be a new record for me … sigh … Anyway, I’d encourage you to check it out, as always. The Carnival is always interesting reading and provides a lot of food for thought.


  2. I interrupt my irregularly scheduled blogging for a station blog identification. Have to let you know of a few blog carnivals, giveaways, sponsors… The Carnival of Country Living has been posted.The Christian Carnivalis up, The Carnival of Homeschooling is going strong, and The Carnival of Family Life continues as well. Julie is hosting a fun giveaway, don’t forget about Heather’s art lessons, Laura was kind to mention my Father


  3. carnival is up. So is the Patristics Carnival. Obama bringing out the worst in America. A debate to watch on theology and the political race. Contra imputation of grace.


  4. (with blue eyes) noted. Matthew, the Mount and a little exegesis worth reading. Using iconography for satire, which leaves me a little conflicted. Fly by wire, next generation edition. Downs screening. The Christiancarnival is up. So is the Patristics Carnival. If not Locke, whence “Happiness” in the Declaration? An answer. Obama bringing out the worst in America. Flying cows. The running of the bulls, the turtle hatchlings race to the sea, salmon running the rapids, and


  5. Want this badge? The228th Christian Carnivalis up at Chasing the Wind.


  6. Christopher Johnson presents Smart Personal Finances » Blog Archive »…FMF presents The Responsibility of Wealth posted at Free Money Finance. With wealth comes responsibility….His-Friends posted at Smart Personal Finances…. Original post byChasing the Wind


  7. ) July 2 – Christian Carnival CCXXXI ( Fish and Cans ) June 26, 2008 Christian Carnival CCXXX ( Thinking Christian ) – The “Broken Thing” Edition June 18, 2008 Christian Carnival CCXXIX ( Rodney ) June 11, 2008Christian Carnival CCXXVIII( Chasing the Wind ) June 4,2008 Christian Carnival CCXXVII ( Ancient Hebrew Poetry ) May 28,2008 Christian Carnival CCXXVI ( Bounded Irrationality ) – The Pilgrim’s Progress Edition May 21,2008 Christian Carnival CCXXV ( Parableman ) May 14,2008 Christian


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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