Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

Fruitcake Interpretation of the Bible

Fruitcake Interpretation of the BibleGo get’em, James Dobson. Obama had some very liberal interpretations of what the bible says, and simultaneously tried to minimize Christian influence in politics *and* say that all religious discussions are welcome. James is firing back against what he called a “fruitcake interpetation of the bible.” I love that phrase.

News sources come from here and here. Some of my favorite quotes are –

Dobson took aim at examples Obama cited in asking which Biblical passages should guide public policy – chapters like Leviticus, which Obama said suggests slavery is OK and eating shellfish is an abomination, or Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, “a passage that is so radical that it’s doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application.”

A casual reading of the bible would certainly find these statements by Obama. A careful reading of the New Testament will show that Jesus says the Old Testament law shows man how impossible it is to follow the law, and that belief in Jesus frees you from the law. In short, a literal interpretation of Leviticus is no longer applicable in our lives.

“Folks haven’t been reading their Bibles,” Obama said.

I would agree with you there, Obama. We just disagree on who those people are.

He said Obama, who supports abortion rights, is trying to govern by the “lowest common denominator of morality,” labeling it “a fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution.”

Obama’s says that fundamental Christians cannot use their morality to oppose abortion. James Dobson responds with –

“Am I required in a democracy to conform my efforts in the political arena to his bloody notion of what is right with regard to the lives of tiny babies?” Dobson said. “What he’s trying to say here is unless everybody agrees, we have no right to fight for what we believe.”

Absolutely. I fight for what I believe in, and it makes no difference why I believe that. Why should I fight for what *you* believe in?

Dobson has not backed off his statement that he could not in good conscience vote for McCain because of concerns over the Arizona senator’s conservative credentials. Dobson has said he will vote in November but has suggested he might not vote for president.

I have the same problem. McCain detests religious conservatives, he has done significant harm to First Amendment consitutional rights with his McCain-Feingold bill, and his stance on lower taxes and limited government is flakey at best. All he has going for him is his strong defense policy. Obama, on the other hand, is a walking Maxist and wants to capitulate to terrorists. I don’t like McCain but I *reallY* don’t like Obama.

6 responses to “Fruitcake Interpretation of the Bible”

  1. Perhaps Dobson should take the Jesus Test at .

    He will probably fail at it miserably.


  2. Dave, with a website that portrays conservatives in such a poor light, I assume you prefer the watered-down liberal Christianity that Obama espouses.


  3. People that say the old testament no longer applies are like alcoholics on the wagon, but who still keep a liquor cabinet stocked with all their favorite booze. If the old testament no longer applies would it not be better to redact the bible and get rid of what doesn’t apply anymore? Or, at least put the following statement in the Bible:

    We include the old Testament solely for historical reference. Nothing in the old testament laws are effective anymore because Jesus says so.

    Otherwise too many people will fall off the wagon.


  4. I don’t understand the analogy, but I can address the argument. The Old Testament is important – it shows us the law that convicts us, it shows God’s character and how He views sin and reveals His perfect love an djustice, and it shows man’s utter inability to follow the simplest laws of a lving God, and it provides fulfilled prophecy to demonstrate the need for a savior and the evidence to show that Jesus fulfills those prophecies.

    It’s only the laws of the Old Testament that were fulfilled by Jesus.


  5. The Republican Party is not the same party my grampa belonged to. Not since the 1960’s when the Dixiecrats jumped over to the Republicans when the Democrats had a shot of conscience and remorse and passed the American Civil Rights Act.. And brought with them, their greed, avarice and racism… which attracted the Neo Cons who snookered the Dixiecrats who didn’t realize they were outclassed and replaced in the Republican Party.. The Neo Cons in turn needed more votes to take over the Presidency and Senate.. So with a series of deliberatew wedge issues, they attracted the religious Idiots who practice a philosophy completely 180 degrees opposite of what the white mans Jesus lived and breathed.
    So that’s where the 11-21% of Americans are… Neo Con Parasites, Republican Mushrooms and Religious Idiots.
    And the Neo Con United States Supreme Court Justices are set toe re-interpret the same United States Constitution.. To reflect and legalize the ideals, policies and philosophies of the Neo Cons.. That only 11-215of Americans support. Hope you Treasonous Scumbags are ready to defend that when the rest of America wakes up!!


  6. Wow, that’s an incredible and insulting conspiracy, CurtJ. We “religious idiots” will pray for you and others like you.


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Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

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