Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

PBS and the Separation of Church and State

When the US Government funds anything remotely Christian in nature, all sorts of “separation of church and state” groups get upset. The ACLU files a lawsuit and the “offensive” Christian material is removed.

So why is it ok for US tax dollars to be used to oppose Christianity? Shouldn’t the same standard be used? PBS, a government funded liberal and atheist propoganda tool (not that I’m opinionated on the subject) is funded by the US government and is producing a show that attacks the underlying tenets of the bible.

Among other things, this show says –

  • Abraham, Sarah and their offspring didn’t exist.
  • There is no archaeological evidence of the Exodus.
  • Monotheism was a process that took hundreds of years.
  • The Israelites were actually Canaanites.
  • The Israelites believed that God had a wife.

For me as a Christian, it’s bad enough when free speech is exercised to attack my beliefs; my right to free speech also belongs to others to say the opposite. Will my tax dollars also be used to fund a show friendly to my beliefs? Probably not; the ACLU will sue to prevent the use of tax dollars for Christian-friendly projects. So why is the government allowed to fund an attack on Christianity?

8 responses to “PBS and the Separation of Church and State”

  1. It seems more and more like religious freedom means anything but Christian.


  2. Greg, that’s exatly right. They are quick to point out when Christians “offend” them, but have no qualms about their own offense.


  3. One thing I keep in mind when I think about the unfairness of this all…Satan only attacks that which he deems a threat.


  4. It is real easy. Just keep your personal choice regarding religion private. Your choice is no more profound than a Wiccan’s choice. They are both recognized and protected equally by our constitution. Fortunately for all Americans, christian attempts to take our constitution hostage will never, ever succeed. This country was formed by folks escaping the same “Taliban” like moves.


  5. Nicea, I can tell you didn’t even read my post above, just replied with a knee-jerk anti-Christian reaction. My point is if I’m not supposed to *promote* my faith with government dollars, why are government dollars being used to *attack* my faith?


  6. I couldn’t find your link, but I agree. Once in a while, PBS airs a documentary I like – I liked their Bonhoeffer documentary a few years ago – but in general, it’s liberal media.

    “Free Speech for everyone but conservative Christians” is how the courts are interpreting the First Amendment. Anyone who refuses to admit the anti-Christian bias has their head in the sand.


  7. Michael, why would you WANT to promote your personal decision with someone else’s tax dollars? When and if your beliefs are contradicted by research you shouldn’t blame government subsidization of the show presenting it. Do you wail on every outlet contradictory to your PERSONAL choice? The show is PUBLIC. Your decision is PRIVATE. The constitution protects our citizens from such activity. Nothing knee-jerk about it sir.


  8. Jennifer, the link was broken, but I fixed it.

    Nicea, if my personal decision is private, my tax dollars should not be spent attacking it. The “research” is merely unproven anti-Christian bigotry.


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Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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