Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

Children's Benedryl Packs a Punch

We went out with friends Friday night to get away from the deconstruction / reconstruction cycle going on at the house. There’s only so much sheet rock and dryer fan noise you can take before a dose of sake is required.

We had a great time. Benihana’s has this new Japanese / Mexican fusion chicken that’s interesting. The shrimp appetizers were tasty.

Have I ever mentioned I’m allergic to shrimp? I know I am, but it’s not a highly reactive allergy. I can’t eat a shellfish dinner without having a reaction like Will Smith does in “Hitch”, but appetizers are usually ok.

But not Friday night. Immediately the lumps on the neck and cheeks started, then my throat tightened up a little and my voice went all husky. I sang a sexy medley of Barry White and Lou Rawls in my new throaty voice for entertainment.

I stopped at the grocery store for Benedryl. In liquid form, all they had was Children’s Benedryl. A doctor once told me to drink a half a bottle of Benedryl if I had a reaction. Diane poured me a little capful of Benedryl which I downed. Then I took the rest of the bottle and downed that, too.

Children’s Benedryl can pack quite a punch, I’ve discovered. That stuff knocked me for a loop, and I passed out on the sofa.

I guess I just can’t hold my Benedryl as well as Will Smith can.

9 responses to “Children's Benedryl Packs a Punch”

  1. Doug McHoneat 10:12am on July 13th


  2. I've read that children's Benedryl is more concentrated because children can't take an adult size dose. All in all, I'd say you got lucky on this one!FYI: I tried to comment on your blog and didn't see a place to submit.


  3. Michael Meyerat 10:22am on July 13th


  4. Er, that's unexpected. When you go to is there a "Add new comment" section at the bottom? If I'mcompletely logged out, I still see a place to comment.


  5. Er, that's unexpected. When you go to http://chasingt​​/07/13/children​s-benedryl-pack​s-a-punch/ is there a "Add new comment" section at the bottom? If I'mcompletely logged out, I still see a place to comment.


  6. I've read that children's Benedryl is more concentrated because children can't take an adult size dose. All in all, I'd say you got lucky on this one!FYI: I tried to comment on your blog and didn't see a place to submit.


  7. Er, that's unexpected. When you go to is there a "Add new comment" section at the bottom? If I'mcompletely logged out, I still see a place to comment.


  8. The longer an allergy persists, the less it takes to produce a reaction. So next time even a little bit of shrimp will give you the same severe reaction. Be careful!


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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