Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul

I was at the Post Office yesterday to pick up a certified letter. I was there for a little over an hour; there were 40 people in line, 2 clerks helping, and 1 supervisor watching both clerks. All I could think of is that I don’t want my appointment with a doctor to golike this.

Now it appears that nearly half of all doctors would quit if the health care overhaul bill passes. I don’t blame them. How would you like to wake up and find out you now work for the goverment.

Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found.

The poll contradicts the claims of not only the White House, but also doctors’ own lobby — the powerful American Medical Association — both of which suggest the medical profession is behind the proposed overhaul.

21 responses to “45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul”

  1. on the backs of the whole. If he was really wanting to get a group of doctors together and discuss health care, he might consider some of the 1000 or so that marched on 9/12 against his health agenda. Edisto Joe Related articles by Zemanta45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul(


  2. Ned Rossat 10:49pm on September 17th


  3. The remaining 55% won't make their malpractice insurance bill, unless you couple it with radical tort reform. Maybe we should have single-payer legal care, too.


  4. Sean Murphyat 11:32pm on September 17th


  5. "I quit when medicine was placed under State control…Do you know what it takes to perform a brain operation? Do you know the kind of skill it demands, and the years of passionate, merciless, excruciating devotion that go to acquire that skill? That was what I would not place at the disposal of men whose sole qualification to rule me was their capacity to spout the fraudulent generalities that got them elected to the privilege of enforcing their wishes at the point of a gun. I would not let them dictate the purpose for which my years of study had been spent, or the conditions of my work, or my choice of patients, or the amount of my reward…Men considered only the 'welfare' of the patient, with no thought for those who were to provide it. That a doctor should have any right, desire or choice in the matter, was regarded as irrelevant selfishness; his is not to choose, they said only 'to serve'…See the rest: http://www.smal​​m/


  6. Here's another statistic: Poll: Majority Of Doctors Support Public Option — "Most doctors — 63 percent — say they favor giving patients a choice that would include both public and private insurance. That's the position of President Obama and of many congressional Democrats. In addition, another 10 percent of doctors say they favor a public option only; they'd like to see a single-payer health care system. Together, the two groups add up to 73 percent."link: http://www.npr.​org/templates/s​tory/story.php?​storyId=1128189​60&ft=1&f=1027


  7. He's quoting NPR. Heh. And Todd, ….whimper….​yes.


  8. "I quit when medicine was placed under State control…Do you know what it takes to perform a brain operation? Do you know the kind of skill it demands, and the years of passionate, merciless, excruciating devotion that go to acquire that skill? That was what I would not place at the disposal of men whose sole qualification to rule me was their capacity to spout the fraudulent generalities that got them elected to the privilege of enforcing their wishes at the point of a gun. I would not let them dictate the purpose for which my years of study had been spent, or the conditions of my work, or my choice of patients, or the amount of my reward…Men considered only the 'welfare' of the patient, with no thought for those who were to provide it. That a doctor should have any right, desire or choice in the matter, was regarded as irrelevant selfishness; his is not to choose, they said only 'to serve'…See the rest:


  9. Here's another statistic: Poll: Majority Of Doctors Support Public Option — "Most doctors — 63 percent — say they favor giving patients a choice that would include both public and private insurance. That's the position of President Obama and of many congressional Democrats. In addition, another 10 percent of doctors say they favor a public option only; they'd like to see a single-payer health care system. Together, the two groups add up to 73 percent."link:


  10. don't gimme that crap about how u r thinkin about brain surgery…tell the truth Murphy! You're worried about that next prostate exam! 😉


  11. He's quoting NPR. Heh. And Todd, ….whimper….yes.


  12. The remaining 55% won't make their malpractice insurance bill, unless you couple it with radical tort reform. Maybe we should have single-payer legal care, too.


  13. Hey, it's not like it's Amy Goodman and Democracy Now. I've been saving those statistics in reserve!


  14. Ned speaks truth. Hell, my malpractice (or equivalent) is a huge chunk of change, but not like theirs.


  15. Here's another statistic: Poll: Majority Of Doctors Support Public Option — "Most doctors — 63 percent — say they favor giving patients a choice that would include both public and private insurance. That's the position of President Obama and of many congressional Democrats. In addition, another 10 percent of doctors say they favor a public option only; they'd like to see a single-payer health care system. Together, the two groups add up to 73 percent."link:


  16. Already my company offers legal insurance; single payer legal services are next. Heck, why not have the government provide that, and they can be judge, jury, and attorney. Just don't run any red lights.


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Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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