Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

You're in the Army Now

My son Alex (he posts here under the initials A.M.M.) is currently at Sam Houston State University studying Criminal Justice with a minor in Halo 2.

As of June 15th, he reports for Basic Training at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. That’s right – Private Alex has joined the Army Reserves.

He tells me his mild color blindness will keep him from combat roles (though he’s well aware that doesn’t keep him out of actual combat). After 9 weeks of Basic (+11 more weeks of specialized training for his field), he’ll be reassigned back to Huntsville as a paralegal specialist.

I’m very proud of him and his decision. Nervous, but proud. You can tell him, too, in the comments section below.

* Updated the number of weeks of training based on Alex’s comments below. What do I know about military service? Nothing at all, but I’m about to find out. 😛

23 responses to “You're in the Army Now”

  1. Great job in knowing, for now, what you want to do in life. It is a great achievement for a man to know himself.
    John Louis (Singapore)


  2. It’s actually 9 weeks in Basic, and I have another 11 weeks for specific training for my field.


  3. Alex,

    I am surprised at this decision, but not in a bad way at all. I think it is great for you to know what you want to do and have the courage to go for it. Good luck and God Bless!


  4. H.U.A.!!!!!


  5. Aww. Shortly after my post, my dad has to change the information I was commenting on. (He originally said it would take 6 weeks of training.)


  6. An interesting development, Alex. Best o’ luck to you, and remember to duck.


  7. I’m proud of you #1 and I will continue to pray for you regularly.
    Do they have Halo in the Reserve???
    See ya Saturday.


  8. Good on ya, Alex.


  9. 3 said the army was Halo without a great story line. I guess you’ll have to invent your own. Like Uncle Joe says, “Duck”.
    Love to you.


  10. Alex, wow – you’ve grown into such a wonderful young man. I pray that God will watch over you and keep you, and that His grace may fall upon you. Take care! Kathy P


  11. Alex
    Contratulations on your decision. It just goes to show how time flies and those flies look good on you, uh I mean time looks good on you. Yeah that’s right. Know that I will keep you in my prayers and the God would continue to lead and guide you in this new adventure in your life.
    Love Tomina


  12. Alex,
    You are to be commended for your decision to join he military. I am sure that your Dad is proud. I know he will be a nervous wreck, just like he said. My son was a Marine and I know how he feels.
    Good job.


  13. Wow! I’m very impressed with your decision, Alex. I wish you all the best in your endeavor.
    PS Happy 19th!


  14. Thank you, one and all. I’m glad to know I have your prayers.


  15. Good luck Alex! Glad to know that people like you are protecting our country.


  16. Alex I will be praying for you. What you did is really commendable. Thank you.


  17. I appreciate all the well wishes toward my son. Thank you all. 🙂


  18. Hi Alex,
    I knew you when you were much younger, living in Broken Arrow, OK. It’s hard to believe you’re 19! It’s very nice to read about your immediate life plans. I know your Dad is so proud he’s about to bust.
    My son, Peto, whom you may remember, is working for the Dept. of Defense in D.C. He is 25 and completed his MS in computer science in Dec. 2003 at the Univ. of Tulsa.
    I’m looking forward to reading your posts here to see how you’re doing.
    God bless,
    Roger Blanton


  19. Alex, I wish you the very best of everything in life. You already know that life is 10% of what you make it and 90% of how you take it. I am proud of you. I will always pray for you. I love you and hope your birthday is one of the best. Love, GiGi


  20. Your Great Uncle John Avatar
    Your Great Uncle John

    Welcome to Columbia,home of your great uncle John.We’ll have some cookies ready and old stories about your dad.By the way,I thought your dad was still 19.See ya this summer.


  21. I am so proud of you!!! WAY TO GO!! Don’t worry, they have a saying for Fort Jackson, “Relaxin’ Jackson” It’s like summer camp. Have Fun!!!
    Happy Birthday!!!
    Love You!!!!


  22. Monique Fernander Avatar
    Monique Fernander

    You go Alex. We’ll say our prayers for you. Be good to your Dad.



  23. Alex, I’m your great Aunt in Camden S C. Your Uncle Stephen visited me
    when his son was at Fort Jackson. If you can get off the base, I would love
    to take you to lunch….let you visit my farm……whatever you have time for. Let me know……Aunt Bobbie


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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