Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

Pink and Green

First, some background about the way I select my clothes in the morning. I generally put the freshly laundered clothes on the left side of the closet, and select clothes to wear from the right side. I suspect women select their clothes based on mood, impression, temperature, moon phase, and other factors I can’t deduce, but I’m a simple, partially colorblind engineer that needs a system so I don’t wear the same thing every day.

I select my pants first because there are fewer pants. I’ll then have a wider selection of shirts to choose from, whereas choosing a shirt first may force me to wear the same pants (black slacks) multiple days in a row. Once I have the pants, I choose a shirt that matches. Maybe. See, I’m a partially colorblind engineer, and I’m not always sure of the colors I’m choosing, nor whether the combination actually matches.

This morning, I selected a pair of slacks that are not brown. I know this because I wore these pants for a few years with brown shoes and a brown belt before my sweet wife, who fortunately is asleep when I’m dressed and leaving the house and not subject to my wardrobe infliction, noticed my combination and informed me the pants were actually green.

At least, I think it was these pants. It might have been a different pair she was referring to, but none of the other pants look brown to me. So I think I’ve selected green slacks.

Then the trick is to select a shirt that goes with the pants. I’m not really sure what goes with green. When I wear blue slacks, I know blue shirts go with them, unless they’re the wrong sort of blue. I don’t know what sort of blue that is, but I know those sorts of blues are in my closet. I don’t have any green shirts. At least, I don’t think I do.

So then the trick is to select a shirt that is least likely to clash with green. I have a pink oxford button down shirt. I know I can wear this shirt with black pants, and I suspect it’s ok to wear it with blue pants. Is it ok to wear it with green pants? What if the green pants are actually brown after all? Brown and pink sounds like a horrid combination, though whether it also looks horrid is beyond my powers of observations.

I elected to wear the pink shirt anyway because 1) it was coming up in the rotation, having journeyed from left to right in the closet, and I was going to wear it in th near future, 2) I don’t know what goes with green, and 3) I’m pretty sure red and green go together in a Christmasy sort of way, pink is basically red but faded, and being February, so has Christmas.

And now you know why I’m wearing pink and green today.

At least, I think I am.

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8 responses to “Pink and Green”

  1. Okay…your words are lovely, they paint a good picture; however, I believe this posting deserves a photo of your ensemble for added impact (or entertainment…;) )
    …And for the record, pink and brown do work together!


  2. MistiPearl, any visit to Ringling Brother’s Barnum and Baily Circus will give an accurate perspective.
    Hey, what about pink and green?


  3. P.S. I thnk my socks are blue.


  4. Are we talking olive green? Or a bright granny smith apple green?? Either way, it takes confidence and character to pull off pink and green (with blue socks or otherwise 🙂 ) kudos to you…Going from what I have read in your blog, I am thinking you would pull off pink and green quite well! ;D
    Smiles and blessings to you!


  5. Wow… there are different greens, too?


  6. This one was excellent. Really good use of language to describe the problem and your solution. Very vivid.

    It did make me wonder if an easy solution might be available. Perhaps a color wheel — where the names of the colors are listed — that would show complimentary colors as you rotate through the wheel. Plus, on trousers at least, but possibly on shirt tags as well, a discreet marking with a laundry pen that tells the color of the clothing by the color’s name.

    Just thinking…

    Though I agree with an earlier post-er that you should include a photo of your ensemble.


  7. Joe, next time I’ll post a picture. I don’t think the color wheel will help, but the laundry pen has possibilities.


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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