Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

Christian Carnival CLXXXVI

Christian Carnival #186 is up… here! Chasing the Wind is humbled to host the Carnival this week. Without further ado, here are this week’s best Christian blogging.

Oh wait, here’s a little more ado. I’ve divided this week’s post in sections with a brief description about how this relates to Christian living. Ok, *now* we’re out of ado…

CHRIST. No Christian blogging would be complete without pondering our Lord and Savior and what He means to us. Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Doug presents Christ at Creation posted at Bounded Irrationality. Doug examines how Jesus could be present as man and God before creation.

This week at Light Along the Journey John considers what is exactly The Right Thing to Say.

JR Madill presents The Public Spectacle posted at Theology for the Masses.

CHRISTIAN LIFE. It’s one thing to study and pray (well, ok, that was two things), but it’s another thing entirely to live the Christian life. How do you apply and think and live as a Christian?

Patricia presents 30 Ways to Instantly be a Better Parent posted at A Better You Blog.

Stretch Mark Mama presents Passing on Perspective posted at Stretch Mark Mama.

Chad Dalton at The Minor Prophet considers Abraham’s Tradition. Thoughts on Abraham’s burial of his wife Sarah.

Jody Neufeld presents The John Webb Winter Golf Tournament posted at Jody Along the Path. Reflecting on the experience of coordinating this event that raises money for children hospitalized with serious illnesses.

blue skelton presents Simpsons Porn, Funny or Immoral? posted at Production Blog. An article that asks, Is it still a sin to watch pornography if it is a cartoon. We are looking for a other Christian’s Viewpoint on this issue.

BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER. While the glory of the cosmos practically scream out the power and majesty of a creator, to truly know *the* Creator requires study so that God’s Word can speak to you, and it requires prayer so that you can speak to God.

William Meisheid presents Wholistic Salvation posted at Beyond The Rim…. An attempt to look at salvation in a more wholistic [sic] manner.

Ian Spencer presents Dispensationalism and the Interpretation of Scripture Part 2: Prophetic Literature posted at Philosophical Orthodoxy. The second part of a continuing series critiquing dispensationalist methods of interpreting Scripture.

Richard H. Anderson presents Assembly of Yahweh posted at dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos.

Tom presents The Remarkable 19th Psalm posted at Thinking Christian. With our modern Christian and scientific viewpoints, we might easily fail to notice what this psalm does not say. It’s an appreciation of the sun, a joyful one at that. And yet–there is not a hint of sun-worship in it. Remarkable.

Ann Shorb presents GOD HAS ME posted at Christian Counseling & Educational Services.

Henry Neufeld presents St. John Chrysostom on Hebrews 6 posted at Participatory Bible Study Blog. St. John Chrysostom gives a comprehensive and interesting view of Hebrews 6:4-6 and the impossibility of restoration for the apostate.

Lingamish: The Lord of
Somebody’s knocking at the door. But it’s not who you think.
Lingamish looks at Nahum’s vision of an angry God and finds a hidden place of

CHURCH. When two or more are gathered in His name, He is there. As a group of Christians, we are the bride of Christ, His church. What do we believe and how to we implement it?

FMF presents How'd You Like to Be Taxed for Going to Church? posted at Free Money Finance. How would you like to pay a tax to go to church?

Steven Krager presents Have you lost faith? | faithdoubt posted at faithdoubt. This is a posting in response to an article about an LA Times writer and his Christian faith journey. It is about problems in the Church and losing faith.

Diane R presents Deacons posted at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet. What are deacons exactly? And why don’t most churches have them? What are they supposed to do? In my church we have one of the best deacon structures I’ve ever seen so our church members won’t fall through the cracks when in need.

Brian Russell of the Real Meal blog
wrote Thinking about
Natural Disasters
. In the middle of another hurricane season, it is critical for clear theological reflection on natural disasters and the preparation for a missional response to those who suffer.

RELIGION. Sometimes we study what a Christian is. How does it differ from other religions? How do we see it in public, in politics, in others?

Sammy Benoit presents Islamic Hatred of anything Christian posted at YID With LID.

thomas robey presents “Christian Faith and Reason” posted at Hope for Pandora. “Christian Faith and Reason” is a new magazine that seeks to engage Christians and skeptics on topics of science, politics and faith. The Christian blogging community should check it out and consider contributing a piece for publication.

Ali presents An alternate solution to the American Civil War? posted at Kiwi and an Emu.. Considering, many years too late, how Christians in Northern and Southern parts of the United States could have agreed on the subject of slavery.

Weekend Fisher at Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength discusses Security, Apostasy, and Knowing Christ. A Lutheran’s-eye view of the debates over eternal security and whether apostasy is real, and how Christ is often left out of the debate.

John presents Richard Land and Moral Agency posted at Brain Cramps for God. There’s a new meme in the abortion argument.

Jeremy Pierce presents Barack Obama on faith and politics posted at Parableman. A look at Barack Obama’s thoughts on faith and politics, Part III of a three-part series (the first two looked at John Edwards and Joe Biden).

Mark Olson presents Western Eyes posted at Pseudo-Polymath. Religious toleration, a artifact of the Enlightenment, or might it not be from much earlier.

21 responses to “Christian Carnival CLXXXVI”

  1. Carnival of Personal Finance – Going Against the Flow Festival of Frugality – 12 Ways to Save on Cooling Costs Festival of Stocks – Going Against the Flow Carnival of Debt Reduction – Your Bad Credit Could Cost You $1 MillionChristian Carnival- How’d You Like to be Taxed for Going to Church? Stop by these carnivals to read some great posts! Carnival Hosts: As a reminder, I post all carnivals I’m in for a given week as long as the host either emails me a link to the carnival or sends me a


  2. The Public Spectacle (3 comments) Last comment by:Chasing the Wind » Christian Carnival CLXXXVIYesterday at 8:08 pm Objections to Calvinism Part 1 of 5 (10 comments) Last comment by: Henry (Honzo) Imler on 2007-08-20 19:56:34 Theology: The Central Question (16 comments) Last comment by: Hank on 2007-08-20 11:32:22


  3. quite possibly never will again, but the show must go on: The Blawg ReviewThe Carnival of the CapitalistsThe Carnival of EducationThe Carnival of the InsanitiesThe Carnival of Principled GovernmentThe Carnival of the RecipesThe Christian CarnivalHavel HavelimThe Watcher’s Council


  4. In addition to providing a great service by hosting the currentChristian Carnival, Chasing the Wind has one of the more attractive blog page designs I’ve seen in a long time…


  5. The Public Spectacle (3 comments) Last comment by:Chasing the Wind » Christian Carnival CLXXXVIYesterday at 8:08 pm Objections to Calvinism Part 1 of 5 (10 comments) Last comment by: Henry (Honzo) Imler on 2007-08-20 19:56:34 Theology: The Central Question (16 comments) Last comment by: Hank on 2007-08-20 11:32:22


  6. source:Christian Carnival CLXXXVI


  7. Thanks for putting this together. That’s a lot of work.


  8. Hey thank you for taking the time to comment. I have been wondering about that for a long time and I appreciate your input.


  9. Great job on the carnival and categories- that must have taken quite some time! Thanks for including my entry.


  10. […] Christian Carnival CLXXXVI is up at Chasing the Wind. […]


  11. […] reasons that defy an easy explanation. Whatever the nation does, however, it does from a set […] Christian Carnival CLXXXVI— Chasing the Wind Aug 23 09:40 Christian Carnival #186 is up… here! Chasing the Wind […]


  12. […] by Jeremy at 8:42 AM Want this badge? The 186th Christian Carnival is up at Chasing the […]


  13. How does one go about submitting a post for a carnival?


  14. Great job!! I like the sections.


  15. Econ grad (probably not your real name 🙂 , I enjoyed it.

    blueskelton, always thrilled to answer an honest question about Christian beliefs. 🙂

    Thanks, Patricia, happy to host this week.

    Ken, submission instructions can be found here:

    Jennifer, half the run of hosting is looking over each and every one of the submissions. 🙂


  16. […] 31, 2007 Christian Carnival CLXXXVII (Imago Dei) – The Wonderful Cross August 23, 2007 Christian Carnival CLXXXVI (Chasing the Wind) August 15, 2007 Christian Carnival CLXXXV (Parableman) August 8, 2007 Christian […]


  17. […] 31, 2007 Christian Carnival CLXXXVII (Imago Dei) – The Wonderful Cross August 23, 2007 Christian Carnival CLXXXVI (Chasing the Wind) August 15, 2007 Christian Carnival CLXXXV (Parableman) August 8, 2007 Christian […]


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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