Chasing the Wind

News. Faith. Nonsense.

My Name Is John Daker

It’s sort of like a talent show. Only without the talent.

Like a talent show... but without the talent.

After viewing a few of them, come back here and tell me who your, er, favorite is.

17 responses to “My Name Is John Daker”

  1. I can’t seem to find the link. But then, I am near sighted. Could you help a brother out?


  2. No sound at my daytime (work) computer, so I’ll have to continue later. So far, all I have is suspense! I want to see the puppet that John Daker is singing through. I mean, c’mon! The guy doesn’t even move his lips!


  3. Trust me, you’re not missing much…

    … which, I suppose, is the whole point. 😛


  4. 😐



  5. That is the best peformance I have ever seen! What TALENT!!!


  6. The funniest darned video I’ve seen in a long time. I watch it over and over, and it always cracks me up. 😛


  7. LMAO! This HAS to be one of the funniest things I have EVER seen!
    Is this guy for real? 🙄 😯 :mrgreen:


  8. Has anybody ever thought of putting together a “John Daker Conveys an Emotion” website, (see: “”), using various screenshots of Daker? Because I noticed that you can pause it at any time during his “performance” and he seems to display a different emotion every time, even from frame to frame. You could have, “Happy,” and show the shot of him attempting a smile; “Surly,” which he appears to be at several points; “Scowling,” which he looks like he’s doing to somebody towards the end of “Amore”; etc. I think this would be teh funny.


  9. “Thats…. you’re in LLOOOVVE “(john daker eyebrow raise)

    How the hell did he have to confidence to try and improvise at that point? He had already severely screwed up and had been humming the previous verses!

    This guy is so weird. you wonder how he ends up opening the show. then he says his name when the song is supposed to start. did they rehearse this at all? I strongly doubt that he “nailed it” in the rehearsal. the guy doesnt know any of the words and they open the show with him. unbelievable. is the piano player drunk?

    i want to interview that guy. what the hell was he trying to do later in the show? lipsynch? he looked like ashlee simpson


  10. I remember taping this show when it originally aired in Peoria…my wife called me in and we frantically found and tape and pushed record…I haven’t seen his best segment though…he does a great Woody Woodpecker rendition…I’ll have to transfer it to digital and upload…


    1. Greg, my friends and I would do anything to see/hear John Dakers stunning rendition of the Woody Woodpecker theme. We have searched the internet far and wide and your tag on this website seems to be our only hope for seeing this rare gem. Please let me know if you can help. My email is Thank you!


  11. what the hell was that


  12. believe me, this guy is for real!


  13. I’m supposed to take the word of somebody who calls himself “moo moo boy?”


  14. Yes, Woody Woodpecker, please!


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About Me

Michael, a sinner saved by grace, sharing what the good Lord has shared with me.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

If you’re not living for the glory of God, then what you’re doing is meaningless, no matter what it is. Living for God gives life meaning, and enjoying a “chasing after the wind” is a gift from God. I’m doing what I can to enjoy this gift daily.

Got questions? I’m not surprised. If you have any questions about Chasing the Wind, you can email me at

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